Boadicea Perfume's Global Wings

Boadicea Perfume's Global Wings

Our perfumes may be inspired by ancient stories of heroic deeds, but at Boadicea the Victorious our brand is also at the cutting edge of modern communication.

Yet even we were surprised at the power of one picture that was recently posted on our official Instagram page.

Our CEO David Crisp was in China for a series of meetings designed to spread the word about our amazing perfumes, and as part of the journey produced the most limited edition fragrance we’ve ever manufactured.

Just 12 bottles of a very special scent were supplied to the Beijing headquarters of Global Wings, one of Asia’s largest and most successful suppliers of private jets and chartered business flights.

The unique bottle was pictured high on a rooftop terrace near the city centre, with the Shanghai Tower making an iconic background to a unique picture.

It was posted on our Instagram account, and in no time received more than 250 “likes”.  The picture had even more power, though, because within hours back at our London office we’d received an e-mail from one of our biggest customers in the United Arab Emirates asking: “Where can we obtain this?”

Sadly this was such a unique production that it is not for sale, but keep watching for other special editions that will be in just as much demand.

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