Boadicea Perfume Window Watch at Harrods

Boadicea Perfume Window Watch at Harrods

We've turned heads, and at times almost stopped traffic. Our stunning window display at Harrods this month has definitely had the "wow" factor several times over.


Beautiful rich blue butterflies float across the scene as if wanting to get their chance to drink in the magnificent scents from the iconic Boadicea the Victorious flagons on show.

Harrods Butterflies Window featuring Nebulous

And what fragrances they are - not only our hugely popular Blue Sapphire but the teasing and deeply luxurious Nebulous which goes on sale exclusively at the prestigious Knightsbridge store this month.

Nebulous is our most sumptuous perfume yet, using the richest, deepest oud fragrances to create a fusion of unashamed indulgence.

Oud, derived from the tropical agar tree originating in Assam in India, has become one of the world's most expensive commodities, costing as much as £18,000 for just one kilogram of the highest grade.

When you wear Nebulous you'll realise it is worth every penny, and understand why we give our genius perfume creator no limits on his budget when he was inspired to create this masterpiece.

It is launched this month - take the chance to visit Harrods, see our wonderful window, and visit us in the perfume hall to learn more.

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Fresh Boadicea Perfume is back at Polo in the Park